Tuesday, April 28, 2009

GM goes for broke

Looks like GM is being force to act like a responsible company and restructure due to the failing economy. They're finally closing down the Pontiac brand, cutting 23,000 jobs and liquidating 40% of its current dealership network. It sucks for those who lost their jobs but they should've realized they were working for a company that's been bleeding the American economy for years and ripping off the American people with the horrible reliability and performance of their automobiles. Forcing consumers to constantly pay for repairs and unethical gas price hikes since the car companies have been making money off of oil. Now they need to drop their Buick, GMC and Hummer brands and stay focused on Chevy, Saturn, Cadillac, and Saab. They need to change their old way of doing business and reduce unecessary models and increase build quality. Too bad it took a recession for businesses to act responsible.

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