Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rage Runs 60fps on 360, Only 20-30fps on PS3

What's this? The new id software game Rage performs 2 times better on the Xbox 360 than on the PS3? The all-powerful, future-proof, 10-yr lifespan, power-has-yet-to-be-unlocked, PS3 has a slower GPU (the RSX) and can't render as well as the Xbox 360? I don't believe it. ;-) Well, according to John Carmack (Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein, Rage), that's exactly the problem they're running into with the PS3. Carmack also stated that both consoles have the same raw processing power but the 360 core is actually easier to split up tasks. I'm extremely surprised by this considering the amazing, alien-like, PS3 cell processor. :-P

To be fair, id has stated that the game will run 60fps on all platforms by the time of release.

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