Sunday, February 13, 2011

Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 - Officially Announced

The successor to the Samsung Galaxy Tab (7-inch) has been officially announced today at the Mobile World Congress 2011 in Barcelona, Spain. Introducing the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1!

Here are some specs:

Follow the links for some pics:

These is great news considering the Motorola Xoom is dead before it even hit the ground thanks to Motorola's ridiculous pricing and Verizon's greedy policies.

It's also important to know that, like the Nexus One and Nexus S, this is an official Google Experience Device. This means you'll get the true Google Honeycomb experience (no Samsung UI embedded on top) and you won't have to depend on Samsung for software updates, they'll come directly from Google as soon as they're available.

No details on price or availability yet but if they're smart they'll undercut Motorola.

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