Monday, August 1, 2011

Diablo 3 News!

Blizzard will be featuring a new player-to-player real, actual money auction for in-game items (armor, weapons, runes, etc). This isn't exactly new for a Blizzard RPG but this is the first time it's actually provided and supported by Blizzard. Players will also be able to participate in a separate auction that uses only in-game gold. In exchange for this supported feature, Blizzard will also charge a "nominal" fee for items bought and posted to auction.

Some players might get upset about this feature because it will allow "casual" players to purchase advance in-game items that "hardcore" players could have put a lot of extra time in the game to find.

And players no longer have to return to town to sell items. A "Cauldron of Jordan" will be provided during the early parts of the game. It will be placed in a permanent inventory slot and will offer vendor prices for items that players want to get rid of. There will also be a "Nephalim Cube" that will allow players to breakdown items into raw crafting materials. Blizzard wants to keep the focus on action and to keep it flowing, not to keep forcing the player to go to town.

Quests are random but always in context of where the player is located. The system will also help guide you around the random dungeons.

The UI has been updated and is cleaner and simpler.

The main storyline has been detailed - a meteor has fallen on the old Tristram, causing the dead to rise. Each class has their own reasons for investigating the meteor.

Still no release date but it's rumored to still be coming out this year.

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